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Get Involved

The Jewish Center's success is predicated upon a triumvirate of leadership: the Rabbinic staff; the Board and Administrative Committee; and the network of dedicated volunteers who spearhead our several committees, actively programming special events and educational programs to enhance our personal connections with each other, our spiritual experience both in and out of the synagogue, and a greater connectedness with the broader Jewish Community in the United States, Israel, and around the globe. The Jewish Center's active committee system is a tremendous draw for new members and is constantly evolving and developing new programs and initiatives to meet changing community needs. We encourage you to become an active member in the community by volunteering your time and your ideas to any of the committees that interest you.

30's + 40's Committee
Committee Chairs: Dina Burcat and Grant Silverstein
Tel: 212-724-2700 x110

JC Connections creates opportunities for singles from The Jewish Center and NYC to meet through creative programs, followed by committee support to foster relationships
Visit the JC Connections page for more information.

Advanced Leadership
Tel: 212-724-2700 x110

The Advanced Leadership Committee offers diverse programming for The Jewish Center's 50+ members, including Hot Kiddush Luncheons, lectures, and social events.
Visit the Advanced Leadership page for more information.

JC Visits (formerly Bikur Cholim/Bikur in the Home
Committee Chairs for : Rona Steinerman & Orlee Levin

Births Committee

Committee Chairs: Eric Englander and Jodi Lederman
Tel: 212-724-2700 x110
Births Committee embodies one of The Jewish Center's core values: fostering a strong sense of family. When parents welcome a new baby, this committee steps in to alleviate some of the stress of those early days by providing meals and support. Through these thoughtful gestures, we ensure that new parents feel the personal touch and warmth of The JC family during this joyous yet challenging time.

Visit the Births Committee Page for more information

Chevra Kadisha
Andy Kaplan
Tel:212-724-2700 x555

Committee Chair: Bernard Falk, Steven Wilf
Tel:212-724-2700 x119
Throughout its rich history, The Jewish Center has prided itself on its advanced educational initiatives, offering engaging and relevant courses on a wide variety of Jewish topics. By opening multiple portals of entry into the world of study, our goal is to make the study of Torah and the pursuit of wisdom accessible to our members and the broader Jewish community. 
Visit the Education page for more information.

Committee Chairs: Chani Segall
212-724-2700 x119
The Hospitality Committee promotes the value of hachnasat orchim, welcoming guests, and creates an environment of warmth in the shul by welcoming newcomers and members each week.
Visit the Hospitality page for more information.

Israel Activism Committee
Committee Chair:  Tehillah Blech
Email: israelcommittee@jewishcenter.
orgThe Jewish Center upholds Israel activism as a core value by celebrating aliyah, encouraging travel to Israel, supporting Israeli businesses and charities, and organizing events to promote Jewish issues and civic engagement.
Visit the Israel Activism Committee page for more information

New Families Committee:
Committee Chairs: Dina & Grant Silverstein
Our New Parents Committee supports parents with children under 12 months by providing practical resources, social connections, and a welcoming space to share experiences. Join us to connect with other parents and build a supportive community at The Jewish Center with us.

New Members Committee                                                                                     
Committee Chairs: Alanna Schwartz, Aryeh Goldstein, Ilana Sherizan, Matt Feiler

Oneg Shabbat
Committee Chair: Sherry Fessel,
Oneg Shabbat distributes Shabbat food to those within our community who are unable to provide for themselves. Meals are prepared and delivered in a manner which preserves the dignity and privacy of those served. 
Visit the Oneg Shabbat page for more information.

Committee Chair: Jeff Smith
The Safety committee ensures compliance with all governmental safety regulations. It outlines safety procedures and educates both staff and membership about these procedures. It provides training in appropriate life-saving techniques to staff, officers and JC members. 

Shivah Committee
Committee Chair: Adina Wagman
The Shivah Committee provides support and comfort to recently bereaved members by coordinating and providing meals to families during the week of shivah

Committee Chairs: Gilda Chodosh, Angela Himsel, and Rachel Lurie
Tel: 212-724-2700 x110

The Sisterhood’s mission is to provide a diverse range of cultural, educational, and social programs for Jewish Center members, from attending the opera and baking challah to engaging in current discussions at our annual brunch. Welcoming participants of all ages, from teens to seniors, the Sisterhood also uses proceeds from these events and annual dues to enhance and beautify The Jewish Center.
Visit the Sisterhood page for more information.

Committee Chiars: Amy Latkin & Dana Markow
Ushers create a warm and welcoming environment for Jewish Center members and guests by greeting them and welcoming them to our services on Shabbat and on holidays. 

Women’s Tehillim Group
Committee Chairs: Naomi Goldman
The Women’s Tehillim group meets biweekly, on Monday evenings at 7:15, to read Tehillim for those who are ill. Women of all ages are welcome to join for one or continual weeks. If you would like to add a name of someone who is ill to the list, please call Joyce Weitz at the number above. To find out when they are meeting next please check our weekly Shabbat Bulletin.

Young Couples and Families
Committee Co-Chairs: Numi Cooper-Katz and Avi Cooper, Lea Dahan-Kukurudz and Nathaniel Kukurudz, Tiferet Nickerson-Lekowsky and Avi Lekowsky, Aviva Shooman-Magid and Sammy Magid
Tel: 212-724-2700 x110
Young Couples & Families (YCF) schedules a wide range of exciting programs to facilitate Jewish Center young couples and families meeting one another and to develop relationships with other members and with the clergy. Be a part of this wonderful network of couples and families.
Visit the Young Couples and Families page for more information.

Young Leadership
Committee Members: Matt Feiler, Ayelet Golubtchik, Rebecca Hagler, Danielle Kinches, Michelle Schechter, David Schwartzman, Ilana Sherizen, Pinchas Teitz, Rudi Weinberg
Tel: 212-724-2700 x119

The heart of YL's activities is the weekly Shabbat minyan, a spiritual service held in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, featuring a sermon from one of The Jewish Center clergy. The YL minyan offers a weekly hot Kiddush. Additionally, casual Friday night onegs and a variety of social events create opportunities for young professionals to connect with each other and engage with our rabbis.
Visit the Young Leadership page for more information.

Youth Department
Committee Chairs: Lily Mintz, Batya Srolovitz, Amy Latkin
Youth Director: Izzy Selter
Tel: 212-724-2700 x114

The Jewish Center Youth Department offers engaging Shabbat programs and year-round events for children from preschool to 6th grade, allowing parents to participate in services while their kids enjoy educational and fun activities. Recent highlights include Pre-Hakafot, Pizza in the Hut, and youth-led baking events. Join our vibrant community!
Visit the Youth Department page for more information.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785