Oneg Shabbat
Oneg Shabbat
Committee Chairs: Sherry & Mark Fessel
Address: Oneg Shabbat, 650 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10025
Oneg Shabbat distributes Shabbat food to those within our community who are unable to provide for themselves. Meals are prepared and delivered in a manner which preserves the dignity and privacy of those served. Help sweeten and enhance the lives of the homebound and needy families in our community by providing them with kosher meals. Our recipients thank you for your generosity.
How Can you Get Involved?
Volunteers for distributions or donations are greatly appreciated.
Donation Opportunities:
There are a few way to support Oneg Shabbat:
You can either:
Donate directly: Two meals per person costs $25.00. Please send your check to Oneg Shabbat at the address listed above or you can donate online at the website listed above.
Purchase a card: You can purchase beautifully designed cards which you can send or bring to your host/ess. One card for $10.00; a package of four @$36.00; eight @ $54.00 or 15 @$100.00. Please note that all funds go directly to our recipients. Order your cards at
Donate in honor of a host: In lieu of bringing gifts to your host or hostess please consider donating to Oneg Shabbat, an organization that provides the homebound and needy in our community with Shabbat and Holiday meals.
Thank you for your participation in this vital and important project.
All donations are tax deductible. Major credit cards are accepted on our web site.
"Happy is he that considereth the poor." Psalm 41:2
Sat, December 14 2024
13 Kislev 5785
Bring Them Home
Please remember to daven and advocate for the hostages who have been held by Hamas for 434 days.
Service Times
Today's Calendar
Hashkama : 7:45am |
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Young Leadership : 9:30am |
Early Minchah : 12:25pm |
Minchah/Maariv : 4:00pm |
Shabbat Concludes : 5:12pm |
8th Annual Trivia Night with Len Berman : 7:30pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
Daf Yomi : 7:45am |
Shacharit : 8:30am |
New Parents Committee Kickoff Brunch : 10:00am |
What’s Jewish about the Sistine Chapel? : 11:00am |
Minchah/Maariv : 4:15pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 4:14pm |
Minchah/Maariv : 4:15pm |
Pre-Chanukah Shabbat Dinner 2024 : 5:15pm |
Shabbat Day
Hashkama : 7:45am |
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Young Leadership : 9:30am |
Early Minchah : 12:40pm |
Minchah/Maariv : 4:05pm |
Shabbat Concludes : 5:14pm |
YL Minute To Win It 2024 : 7:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayishlach
Shabbat, Dec 14 |
Erev Chanukah
Wednesday, Dec 25 |
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