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Young Couple and Families

Committee Co-Chairs: Numi Cooper-Katz and Avi Cooper, Lea Dahan-Kukurudz and Nathaniel Kukurudz, Tiferet Nickerson-Lekowsky and Avi Lekowsky, Aviva Shooman-Magid and Sammy Magid
Tel: 212-724-2700 x110

Young Couples & Families (YCF) schedules a wide range of exciting programs to facilitate Jewish Center young couples and families meeting one another and to develop relationships with other members and with the clergy. Be a part of this wonderful network of couples and families.

Some of our most recent events include: Young Couples & Families Minyan and Kiddush, Staten Island Yankees Game, Movie night, Cooking Class, and a Scavenger Hunt.

Don't forget to join our list serve and you will be up-to-date about our upcoming events. To join email

Past Events

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785