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Shabbat Services 

Main Sanctuary 9:00AM
This service is the cornerstone of The Jewish Center. Rabbi Yosie Levine’s weekly sermons address timely and timeless issues and speak to the congregants’ relationships with one another and with Hashem. Our Cantor leads the service with melodies and songs that never fail to inspire.

Hashkama Minyan 7:45AM
This early minyan meets on Shabbat morning. With a close-knit feel, this minyan features a 15 minute shiur taught in conjunction with a hot Kiddush immediately following davening. It is an ideal service for early risers, spouses who want to help acclimate their children to Shabbat morning groups and people looking for a spirited Shabbat morning mini shiur.

Young Leadership Minyan 9:30AM
This weekly Shabbat morning minyan is the nucleus of the Young Leadership Committee’s social and religious programming. The minyan features a sermon each week followed by a Kiddush which provides a wonderful venue for young community leaders to interact after services every week.

Teen Minyan 9:30AM
The Jewish Center teen minyan, which meets once a month, is a forum for young men and women to take leadership roles in their religious lives.  Davening and layning are led by the young men, and our young women deliver divrei Torah exploring the Kriat HaTorah and explicating Shabbat Tefillah.  The minyan is followed by a wonderful kiddush which includes vegetarian and gluten-free options, and a chaburah led by a teen. 

MJE Beginners Service 9:30AM
A Saturday morning service designed for people who know little or nothing about Jewish prayer. The Beginners Service is an anxiety free, “no Hebrew-necessary, user friendly” prayer experience that will keep you looking forward to Saturday mornings. Service is followed by Kiddush, refreshments and socializing. Led by Rabbi Mark Wildes. Co-sponsored with NJOP

Sunday and Weekday Services 

Sunday and Weekday Services
On Sundays and legal holidays, Shacharit is held in the Max Stern Auditorium at 7:45AM. On weekday mornings, Shacharit is at 7:15AM and 8:00AM in the Marion and Max Grill Beit Midrash (4th floor). On Rosh Chodesh, fast days, Chol Hamoed and Selichot days the times are adjusted (see calendar). Minchah and Maariv follow the schedule on the calendar.

Women’s Tehillim 7:00PM
Join us every other Monday evening as we recite the entire Book of Tehillim (Psalms) for those who need our spiritual support and for the safety and well-being of our brothers and sisters in Israel. We divide the Psalms among all members present so that we may articulate a meaningful and complete prayer as a group.

Please check our homepage and Shabbat Bulletin for weekly prayer times.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785