Youth Department
Committee Chair: Lily Mintz, Batya Srolovitz, Amy Latkin
Youth Department Director: Talia Levin Email:
Teen Coordinator: Akiva Cooper Email:
The Jewish Center Youth Department stands out as one of the Upper West Side's premier youth programs, making it a magnet for young families in our community. Our beautifully renovated Youth Center and Beit Midrash host professionally managed Shabbat programs, alongside a diverse array of exciting and educational year-round events. This allows parents of preschool through 12th-grade children to fully engage in synagogue and holiday services, while their children benefit from introductory tefillah education, Parsha study, and enjoyable peer interactions. The Jewish Center truly caters to the entire family, from toddlers to teens.
Recent events have included our annual Pre-Hakafot for Preschoolers, Pizza in the Hut, a teen trip to the Sefarim Sale, a special Family Friday Night Dinner, youth-led Hamentaschen baking and Mishloach Manot packing, and matzah baking. Join us and be part of a vibrant community where every family member finds their place.
Weekly Shabbat Groups
Each Shabbat morning the youth department strives to enhance our children's Shabbat experience. Morning groups allow our children to take part in Tefillah services led by our enthusiastic and skilled group leaders!
Early childhood program
Children under age 3: Lower level
Under the guidance of dedicated leaders, toddlers, accompanied by a parent or caregiver, will learn to love Shabbat. Your child will play, participate in Tefillah, sing, and enjoy delicious challah and grape juice.
3-5-year-olds: Lower level
Nursery and kindergarten-aged children will enjoy free play, Tefillah and learning about the Parshah. They will also play games in a fun and engaging environment. Your child will leave each week with a passion for Shabbat!
Junior Minyan
2nd - 3rd grade: 7th floor
This group for boys and girls in 2nd-3rd grade will enrich your child’s Shabbat morning experience. Children will participate in an extended Tefillah, introducing them to the Shabbat morning service. Each week, your child will learn about the Parshah or upcoming holiday(s), leaving him/her with a deeper understanding and love of Jewish life. When the weather outside is nice, your child will play with friends on our JC rooftop.
Tween Minyan
4th - 6th grade: 7th floor
This group for kids in 4th-6th grade aims to create a welcoming environment for tweens from a variety of schools. Group games and sports build camaraderie and allow kids to make new friends. Often, this group will meet in the 5th floor gym, allowing your child to play on the basketball court and other active games.
Teen Minyan
7th – 12th grade: Beit Midrash
This group for kids from bar/bat mitzvah age through high school meets monthly for teen minyan. Each aspect of the minyan is led by our teens, including davening, layning, and providing a dvar torah, followed by kiddish. Your teen will have the experience of taking an active role in the minyan and have the opportunity to socialize with teens from other schools at the minyan through other teen programming such as onegs, shabbat dinners and lunches, and trips.
For more information about our youth programs and to join our list serve, please contact our Youth Director, Talia Levin, at