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Israel Support - Tefillah


Every day, we pray for the release of our captives, the success of the IDF, and the safety of Am Yisrael. In addition to the myriad acts of chesed we are performing  in their merit, we invite you to join Nishmat virtually for 24 hours of Torah learning to strengthen the soul of the nation. November 19th at 11:30 am EST through November 20th at 11:30 am EST. To see the full program and to register, go to

Happy to announce the launching of the Acheinu WorldWide Siyum.

Join Jews around the world in learning in memory of the victims. Together we will iy”H finish Shas tens of times- in 50 countries in 12 languages.

See to sign up.

Use this link to receive continued updates about the Acheinu Achdut Initiative and the Worldwide Siyum


Please share the names of family members serving in the IDF.

 List of Chayalim in need of our Tefilot 

Adopt a Soldier in Prayer

Shmirah Project - learn for a 15 Minute slot as part of a 24/7 Shmirah Project


Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784